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About Us

Chief Physiotherapist

Roland Li

MPhty (Qld), Grad Dip Ex & Sport Sc (Syd), PDPT (HK) Dip Acup (China)

Roland Li, the center's chief physiotherapist, graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy awarded. After working in Hong Kong for five years, he furthered his studies in Australia, where he obtained a postgraduate diploma in Exercise and Sport Sciences at the University of Sydney, and a master's degree in manipulative physiotherapy at the University of Queensland. In 2002, he also obtained a diploma in acupuncture at the University of Sun Yat Sen.

Mr. Li has worked in various settings including the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Kowloon Hospital, Fanling Hospital and War Memorial Hospital (Australia), and has over twenty-five years of experience in treating both musculoskeletal disorders and sports injuries.

Past Affiliations

Hong Kong Physiotherapists’ Union

Hong Kong Physiotherapists Board

Vice President
Rehabilitation Sciences Alumni Association
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Honorary Advisor
Advisory Committee of Mr. Michael Mak, Legislative Council member

Honorary Physiotherapist
Healing Musical Club
Hong Kong Baseball Association
Hong Kong Amateur Handball Association

Honorary External Advisor
Hong Kong College of Technology

Board Member
Editorial Board
Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association

Committee Board Member
Occupational Rehabilitation Steering Committee
Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre


Manipulative Therapy Special Interest Group
Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association

School of Continuing Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Health Education Column
Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong Daily News, Elders’ Network

Author of Goodbye, Low back Pain